Last Update on July 14, 2019

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Information on is intended for informational and educational purposes only. No authors or contributors to the website, podcast, or related communication make any representations as to the validity, accuracy, or completeness of any claims made on this website. Information is current as of the day of posting or recording, and we do our best to keep the information on this website as up-to-date as possible. 

No authors or contributors assume any liability with regard to the results based on information provided on this website. If someone says they got a great deal on a trip, that is the price that person paid and will not necessarily be what you pay for the same exact trip or experience. Companies change their prices, and this website has no control over the business practices of other companies. 

Advertisers, commenters, and linked websites are solely responsible for their own content. Views expressed on their websites are not necessarily those of this website.

We are not responsible for anything that happens to you while using this website. Likewise, we are not liable and take no responsibility for the consequences of consumers using the information found on this website. You are assuming total responsibility for your actions based on information found on this website.

This website is not intended for use by minors. We do not collect knowingly collect information from minors. If we find out we have collected information from minors, we will take all reasonable action to delete it in a reasonable time frame.

Intellectual Property Notice

Written content, audio content, photos, videos, and all other content is our own unless stated otherwise. No content from this website or related communication may be used elsewhere without our permission. This includes posting images or quotes from our website on social media or other platforms either online or offline. 

Affiliate Disclaimer “this website” is a part of multiple affiliate sales networks. This means we will be compensated if you use links located throughout the content of this website and related communication. This website will make reasonable efforts to notify you about the presence of affiliate or referral links on a particular page. You accept express liability for any and all consequences or benefits for clicking through the affiliate or referral links contained in the website or related communication. 

We only recommend products and services that we use or we think will add value to your travels. We are grateful when you choose to use our links. Compensation we get when you use the links assists us in creating the content that helps make your trips great! 

Most of the time content on this website or related communication is not provided or commissioned by another company. Opinions on this site are those of the author or contributor alone, and has not been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by anyone outside of

Privacy Policy

This website collects information in the following ways:

  1. When you leave a comment, fill out a form, or join our email list. This information is just your first name, last name, and email address.

  2. Information that is collected by third parties that help run this website. These services include, but are not limited to Google Analytics, Google Adsense, and Squarespace. These third party services give this website summaries of information, and not your specific information. Information collected by these websites may include your location, IP address, and your type of browser. This information helps us know a little bit about the people who are visiting our website and to create content that is helpful to their travel planning. 

For the most part we do not share personal information with anyone. This website does reserve the right to use the content of any public comment, email, or other communication for running the website, including testimonials. We will only use the content of your written communication as well as your first name and last initial. If we use your communication on our website or related communication, and you wish us to stop, please send us an email at the address until the ‘Contact’ section at the bottom of this page.

Regardless of whether we use your communication or not, be aware that any comments on a blog post or other page on this website can be seen by all visitors to Comments that include rude or inappropriate language will be deleted without notice.  


This website uses third party services to run ads on the website and related communication. Companies that manage the ads that appear on our website include, but are not limited to Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These companies may use information about your visits to other websites and our website that are contained in web cookies. The companies do this to run ads that may interest you. We cannot control the activities of these companies or their websites, and we do not have control over the products and services whose ads may appear on our website. Consult the privacy policies of the advertising services for information on their practices and how to opt out of their services. 

Amazon Associates

Ryan Hawkins is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This program is an affiliate advertising program which provides a means for this website to earn advertising fees by linking to 


If you have any questions about our policies or information we collect on this website, please email us at