Ryan's Ireland Packing List
/Picking out what to bring to Ireland is a major part of the travel preparation process. While I do not claim to be as much of a packing wizard as some travel guides, I do have enough experience to be at least a little helpful. If you are not sure what to pack or you need some new ideas because you have been using the same packing list for years, here is the one I have perfected over our last couple of trips.
To get started, here are five tips I suggest anyone follow when packing for Ireland. If the first suggestion makes you nervous, rest assured that everything on the packing list will probably fit into a carry on and the list included what I wear on the plane.
Try to fit everything you are bringing in one carry on sized suitcase and a personal item, such as a backpack. You will be able to skip the line at baggage claim, and a smaller suitcase is easier to carry up steep staircases or down cobblestone streets.
It will be rainy and damp at some point during your trip. A cheap rain jacket is not a place to try and save money. Invest in a good rain jacket and the rain becomes an annoyance instead of a hindrance to your plans.
Unless you need a full size toiletry (for example, I bring a full size bottle of contact solution), bring the travel size versions and buy more in Ireland.You will find a wide variety of brands you are familiar with at grocery stores and pharmacies, and it is always fun to try new ones!
While you are packing, ask yourself if an item is cheap enough to buy in Ireland if you need one. There is no need to take up room in your suitcase for something you can buy in Ireland for €5. Personally, I never pack an umbrella. Umbrellas are great things to have in Irish cities, but because I know they cost less around €10 I would rather use the space for something else and buy one if I need it.
You need less than you think. During your packing time, ask yourself if you really need something or if it is a “just in case” item. It is good to be prepared, but don’t let that sentiment let you overpack. Remember, you can buy anything you need on your trip if the need arises.
With those five suggestions in mind, here is my tried and true packing list for Ireland. You may notice it is tailored toward men, but I think it can easily be adapted for use by anyone with a few substitutions.
Ryan’s Ireland Packing List
Travel Gear
Backpack or other Day Bag
Bag for Dirty Laundry
Extra Gallon, Quart, & Sandwich Bags
3 Pairs of Pants
6 Shirts
3-4 Undershirts
1-2 Sweaters or Fleece
4 Pairs Quick Dry Underwear
4 Pairs of Lightweight Wool Socks
Pair of Walking/Hiking Shoes
Pair of Sandals
Waterproof Jacket
Toiletries & First Aid
Bar of Soap or Body Wash
Shaving Cream
Hair Product
Chap Stick
Hand Sanitizer
Band Aids
Disinfectant Wipes
Pain Reliever
Contant Lenses
Finger & Toenail Clippers
Medication in Original Bottles with Labels
Important Documents & Money
Plane Tickets or Airline App
Copies of Passport for each Bag
Drivers License
Health Insurance Information
Travel Insurance Information
$100 USD for Emergencies
Credit/Debit Cards
Copies of Prescriptions
List of International Contact Numbers for Credit & Debit Cards
List of Important & Emergency Contact Numbers
Copies of all Reservation Confirmation Emails
Journal with Pens or Pencils
A Folder or Envelope to Keep Receipts
Cell Phone & Charger
Ireland Plug Adaptor
Alarm Clock
Necessary Charging Cables
Miscellaneous Items
Eye Glasses & Extra Pair
Sink Sized Laundry Soap Packets
Water Bottle
Snacks for the Plane
I hope those tips and the packing list makes your trip preparation a little bit easier. If you have any questions, or suggestions of things to add to the list please leave a comment below!
Happy Travels!
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